Charity Mouse Painting


Mouse-made paintings!

Kelly’s pet mice are making paintings for a good cause. To support WACRRA in adopting out lab kritters once they’re ready for retirement!

The 80% of proceeds donated supports the care and adoption of the kritters.

You get to choose which “artist” you’d like to purchase a painting from; Frankie, Pankie, Fawn, Princess Buttercup, or Misa! Each painting includes a photo of each artist on the back.

(Completely kritter safe, made just with crushed blackberries and toesies.)

To not overwhelm the mice, paintings are made in batches, shipping times may vary. Notifications are sent out right when they’re in the mailbox!

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Mouse-made paintings!

Kelly’s pet mice are making paintings for a good cause. To support WACRRA in adopting out lab kritters once they’re ready for retirement!

The 80% of proceeds donated supports the care and adoption of the kritters.

You get to choose which “artist” you’d like to purchase a painting from; Frankie, Pankie, Fawn, Princess Buttercup, or Misa! Each painting includes a photo of each artist on the back.

(Completely kritter safe, made just with crushed blackberries and toesies.)

To not overwhelm the mice, paintings are made in batches, shipping times may vary. Notifications are sent out right when they’re in the mailbox!

Mouse-made paintings!

Kelly’s pet mice are making paintings for a good cause. To support WACRRA in adopting out lab kritters once they’re ready for retirement!

The 80% of proceeds donated supports the care and adoption of the kritters.

You get to choose which “artist” you’d like to purchase a painting from; Frankie, Pankie, Fawn, Princess Buttercup, or Misa! Each painting includes a photo of each artist on the back.

(Completely kritter safe, made just with crushed blackberries and toesies.)

To not overwhelm the mice, paintings are made in batches, shipping times may vary. Notifications are sent out right when they’re in the mailbox!